Cooking/Food Preparation
Home Ionizer Setting: Highest Alkaline Water
Soak your rice or other grains 30 minutes to an hour before cooking. It improves their taste and helps make them fluffier.
Eliminate bitter taste when you use alkaline water to make your coffee or tea. It also extracts more flavor, so you can use less coffee or tea.
Rinse your produce and it can be kept fresh for longer!

Enhance flavor, eliminate bitterness, and to bring out natural color. Alkaline water helps retain vitamin and mineral content that is normally lost in the cooking process. Because alkalinity is always reduced by boiling, it is best to start with a high level, alkaline water.
Add alkalizing properties and improve flavor extraction.
Improve the flavor of your green smoothies and to add alkalinity.

Prepare and cook seafood with alkaline water to remove the fishy odor and taste.
Tenderize Meats
Soak meats in alkaline water for 30 minutes before cooking to tenderize and improve the taste.
Make ice cubes with strong alkaline water to improve the flavor and pH of any beverage.
Be amazed at how greens can be "brought back to life" by rinsing with alkaline water and refrigerating overnight.

Cleaning Around Your Home
Home Ionizer Setting: Highest Alkaline Water
Use strong alkaline water from your water ionizer to pre-treat laundry stains in the home, especially oil-based stains.
Use Strong Alkaline Water to Remove Spots and Stains on Carpets, Especially Pet Stains. Add Strong, Alkaline Water to the Water Tank of Your Carpet Cleaner.
Use to cut greasy residue on stoves, counter tops, cutting boards, dishes, etc.
Strong alkaline water helps remove stubborn toilet bowl stains.

Around the House
Home Ionizer Setting: Lowest Alkaline Water
Mix alkaline water with essential oils and keep in a small spray bottle to freshen fabrics, upholstered furniture, etc.
Water alkaline-loving plants such as desert plants that live in a high alkaline soil.
Rinse with alkaline water after consuming acidic foods or beverages.
Bathe your pets in alkaline water to emulsify dirt, oils, and reduce odor. Follow with a mild, acidic water rinse.
Alkaline water uses for personal care include using alkaline water as a foot soak, as a compress on bruises or sprains, and to reduce inflammation from sunburn, insect bites, poison ivy, etc. For this use of alkaline water, it's best to use high-level, alkaline water.

Delphi H2
Undersink Elegance
Elegant, compact design. Powerfully efficient. Best filtration.
Lasting Performance. (9-plates)

Vesta H2
Countertop Water Ionizer
Elegant, compact design. Powerfully efficient. Best filtration.
Lasting Performance. (9-plates)